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DAILIES TOTAL1® Water Gradient

Water gradient technology provides exceptional comfort that lasts until the end of the day. A Contact Lens that feels like nothing on the eye. A CUSHION OF MOISTURE: Almost 100% water at the very outer surface of the contact lens for exceptional comfort. HIGHEST BREATHABILITY: As compared to all daily disposable contact lenses, for white healthy-looking eyes. A SMOOTH GLIDING SURFACE ALL DAY:&nbs ...

DAILIES TOTAL1® for Astigmatism

Enjoy exceptionally clear and stable vision with daily toric contact lenses that are nearly 100% water at the surface.

  • Exceptionally stable vision, outstanding visual acuity.
  • Start every day with fresh contact lenses.
  • 9 out of 10 patients agreed that DAILIES TOTAL1® for Astigmatism contact lenses provided clear vision all day.

DAILIES TOTAL1® Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

The first and only daily disposable lenses with nearly 100% water at the surface, so nothing touches the eye but a gentle cushion of moisture for a lens that feels like nothing. Loved even by those that have experienced dryness in other lenses. Start every day with fresh contact lenses. Nearly 9 out of 10 wearers agreed that DAILIES TOTAL1® contact lenses are so comfortable they sometimes ...

Dailies Total1® for Astigmatism

Dailies Total1 for Astigmatism

Dailies Total1®

DAILIES TOTAL1® contact lenses are the first and only lenses to combine Water Gradient and SmarTears® Technologies for lenses that feel like nothing. Water Gradient Technology forms a gentle cushion of moisture with nearly 100% water at the surface of the lens. SmarTears® Technology releases an ingredient found naturally in tears. Exceptional breathability for white, healthy-looki ...